Book a Session

To book an in-person companionship or Domination session in New York City, email me at

In your email, include the following information:

  1. Your phone number

  2. Your screening information, which can be any of the following options:

    • An image of your government-issued ID, with no information blocked out

    • An email from your work email address or .edu email address

    • A link to a website that verifies your place of employment, and which includes a photo of you (ex. LinkedIn with 500+ connections, staff website page)

    • If the screening information you submit is not sufficient, I may tell you to submit one of the other options.

  3. What kind of session you are booking - companionship or Domination? If you are booking a Domination session, include brief, non-explicit information about the kind of session topics you have in mind.

  4. What length of session you are booking?

  5. What are some good days and times for our meeting? I am available 10am-10pm with a minimum of 24 hours of notice. I happily accommodate bookings outside of these hours for sessions of 6+ hours.

  6. Let me know how you found my site.

A deposit of 25% is required to make a booking.

I look forward to hearing from you!